Surf Sensations with Surfskates
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Since 2011, we have been selling surfskates, one of the questions we receive the most when you ask us for information about which surfskate to buy is: " Which one offers more surfing sensations ?"
The answer to this question can be very ambiguous since not all of us surf in the same way, nor with the same impetus, nor do we have the same level, nor do we use the same type of boards, nor do we feel the same, nor do we react the same to certain stimuli. The "surf sensations" can vary infinitely from one rider to another.
What is clear to us, and what we have learned in our almost ten years of experience using all brands, is that it is essential that the front axle of a surfskate has an internal compression spring , this will undoubtedly bring us closer to the sensations that we perceive in a surf session, and they are the most durable type of springs and that almost never break.

Otherwise, you may gain stability, but you are missing out on that soft return sensation that the compression spring offers when we generate speed and that is so reminiscent of that natural force that the wave returns to us when we ride it; or that resistance that the wave provides when you go up the face to execute a sharper turn or a re-entry and pushes you back down, that is the magic of the springs in the axles , and that they are small details but that make a big difference.
And the best thing is that you can easily tighten or loosen that spring, so if you want to make a long journey you can tighten it, and if you want to make tighter and more radical turns, you can loosen it; or you can loosen it as you gain confidence and evolve your technique. This is specifically the case with Smoothstar , Slide Surfskates , and Carver Skateboards with a C7 truck, these three options have an internal compression spring truck, and can be adjusted in a matter of seconds.
Another piece of information that we consider essential to look for those "surfing sensations" is that the board is wide enough so that you can support your feet almost completely, on your surfboard you do not go with your toes and heel on the outside, why would you want to go like this on your surfskate? It is one of the biggest criticisms that we have of most brands, it is good that they seek to simulate the shapes of surfboards to offer that extra realism to surfskate, but sensations are lost and limit your training to be more effective. This took us a while to understand, and it seems that Smoothstar has got it right, as all of their latest board designs are quite wide and have generous tails. Or in the case of Carver the Greenroom model for example.
We also appreciate it a lot when we drop from the coping of the skatepark, the feeling of stability and confidence that they offer is very gratifying.

In addition, having enough surface to support your feet well will make you less tired, and you will be able to concentrate more on your workouts and prolong them for more hours. This way you can put all your attention on executing your maneuvers well, working on the muscles you use when you are surfing, gaining balance, practicing your fluency, doing a lot of mental surfing on your surfskate so that you can replicate the surfing sensations far from the sea, and above all, have fun.

Lastly, and especially for intermediate and advanced surfers who are already executing cutbacks or trying to do so, it is essential that the shaft allows you to make a very tight turn in order to reproduce those "surf sensations" on your surfskate. Here, without a doubt, the queen brands are Swelltech Surfskates and Smoothstar , which allow you to turn on the same axis as you do in the water.
In conclusion , the subject of "surfing sensations" with surfskates is quite broad, but if today you ask us what we think a board should have to offer sensations more similar to surfing, we will tell you: that it has an adjustable compression spring ; that it is wide so that you can put most of your feet, (and if it has a wide and wide tail, all the better); and that allows you to make very tight turns.
Keep surfing!
Since 2011, we have been selling surfskates, one of the questions we receive the most when you ask us for information about which surfskate to buy is: " Which one offers more surfing sensations ?"
The answer to this question can be very ambiguous since not all of us surf in the same way, nor with the same impetus, nor do we have the same level, nor do we use the same type of boards, nor do we feel the same, nor do we react the same to certain stimuli. The "surf sensations" can vary infinitely from one rider to another.
What is clear to us, and what we have learned in our almost ten years of experience using all brands, is that it is essential that the front axle of a surfskate has an internal compression spring , this will undoubtedly bring us closer to the sensations that we perceive in a surf session, and they are the most durable type of springs and that almost never break.
Otherwise, you may gain stability, but you are missing out on that soft return sensation that the compression spring offers when we generate speed and that is so reminiscent of that natural force that the wave returns to us when we ride it; or that resistance that the wave provides when you go up the face to execute a sharper turn or a re-entry and pushes you back down, that is the magic of the springs in the axles , and that they are small details but that make a big difference.
And the best thing is that you can easily tighten or loosen that spring, so if you want to make a long journey you can tighten it, and if you want to make tighter and more radical turns, you can loosen it; or you can loosen it as you gain confidence and evolve your technique. This is specifically the case with Smoothstar , Slide Surfskates , and Carver Skateboards with a C7 truck, these three options have an internal compression spring truck, and can be adjusted in a matter of seconds.
Another piece of information that we consider essential to look for those "surfing sensations" is that the board is wide enough so that you can support your feet almost completely, on your surfboard you do not go with your toes and heel on the outside, why would you want to go like this on your surfskate? It is one of the biggest criticisms that we have of most brands, it is good that they seek to simulate the shapes of surfboards to offer that extra realism to surfskate, but sensations are lost and limit your training to be more effective. This took us a while to understand, and it seems that Smoothstar has got it right, as all of their latest board designs are quite wide and have generous tails. Or in the case of Carver the Greenroom model for example.
We also appreciate it a lot when we drop from the coping of the skatepark, the feeling of stability and confidence that they offer is very gratifying.
In addition, having enough surface to support your feet well will make you less tired, and you will be able to concentrate more on your workouts and prolong them for more hours. This way you can put all your attention on executing your maneuvers well, working on the muscles you use when you are surfing, gaining balance, practicing your fluency, doing a lot of mental surfing on your surfskate so that you can replicate the surfing sensations far from the sea, and above all, have fun.
Lastly, and especially for intermediate and advanced surfers who are already executing cutbacks or trying to do so, it is essential that the shaft allows you to make a very tight turn in order to reproduce those "surf sensations" on your surfskate. Here, without a doubt, the queen brands are Swelltech Surfskates and Smoothstar , which allow you to turn on the same axis as you do in the water.
In conclusion , the subject of "surfing sensations" with surfskates is quite broad, but if today you ask us what we think a board should have to offer sensations more similar to surfing, we will tell you: that it has an adjustable compression spring ; that it is wide so that you can put most of your feet, (and if it has a wide and wide tail, all the better); and that allows you to make very tight turns.
Keep surfing!
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